Today, the draft of our literature review was due. Writing the literature review was pretty challenging and it felt like a lot of work. What I found challenging was developing the correct tone and I still am not sure if I accomplished that. I also found it challenging to find sources on posters as communication but I think I framed it in a way that works better by focusing specifically on rock posters and how they were communicated instead of posters in general. I feel good now that the bulk of it is done and I can now make final edits and additions to it. I am nervous about the final thesis proposal approaching but also excited to share my work.
This page is the home of Museum Studies student research @ Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. The primary purpose is senior thesis research though students in methods and other classes are welcome to post. Established Spring 2015. All are welcome to contribute!
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Thesis Progress
Oh boy! The semester seems to be flying by. Final thesis proposals are creeping ever closer and closer. I feel both good and bad about where my thesis is right now. I feel very supported and like a lot of work is getting done towards the final project, which is good. I also feel like I'm working in an order and method that I'm not very good at working in and haven't ever really done before. I understand that that is due mostly to the large nature of this project, but it is still throwing me a bit.
In general, I'm learning a lot, both about my topic and about myself as a writer. I am excited to keep moving forward and learn even more!
Thursday, October 14, 2021
Thesis progress and stuff
Hello everyone!
The short summary of my thesis project is that I am visualizing quantitative data collected from the green infrastructure showcase at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, using digital visualization software such as tableau. We're collecting a lot of different data, so recently I've been trying to narrow down what specifically I will be working this. To do this, I had to set up criteria for what I wanted people to learn about green infrastructure, so I've spent a lot of time outlining that and thinking on paper.
I'm thinking that I can answer a lot of these questions using the new ecosystem services data that we are about to begin collecting in correlation with weather data from the meteorological station. These topics highlight the importance of green infrastructure, and are relevant to the daily lives of your average Rochester citizen. Furthermore, I think they'll be fun to visualize. I've also visited the museum earlier this week to help me think about how these visualizations might be implemented digitally or physically. Soon I would like to start conducting visitor studies, I think that will help me understand what I need to do a lot better. I'm also making a mental note to take more pictures of the things that I'm doing so I can include something fun in these blogs.
Friday, October 8, 2021
Week 8 Update
Things really feel like they're starting to come together, I am feeling pretty confident about the sources I've found thus far and I'm excited to use them to develop my methods of data collection. The work for creating the letter of inquiry made it feel like everything was finally being tied together and this project is starting to have a focused plan and goal. I think that the most difficult step going forward is going to be contacting the zoos that I will be visiting, just because of the distance and language barriers that may come up, but I am also excited to try to develop a relationship with them and I am hoping they will be excited about the research I am doing!
Thursday, October 7, 2021
Thesis week 8
Now that we are in week 8, things are starting to come together. I feel that every week we have added a new piece to the puzzle. We've selected our first readers which makes me more excited to start diving deeper into researching. There is still a lot of work to do and I am feeling slightly overwhelmed but I will hopefully use this week to get my thoughts organized. I am excited to select the posters that I want to include in my project soon.
Thesis Progress
Now that we are heading into Week 8 of the school year, things are really starting to get underway with our thesis papers and projects. Although I have definitely made progress since I started, I feel like things are still moving slowly for me, as I still am having a hard time seeing how my thoughts and ideas are going to come together with the sources and research I have so that I can have a well-organized and successful paper at the end of this.