Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Rough Draft = Done!

      Even though I am proud of the research I am doing, having to sit down and write this 25 paged paper was something I was not looking forwards to. It took longer than expected and I am not sure I conveyed all the information I wanted to, but it is a good push off point! 

    My favorite part about this whole experience was being able to learn about a topic that interests me so much. Looking at the different museums and seeing their unique collections as well as how they store/ display them made me realize I made the right choice for my thesis topic. I was impressed with how both museums handled the calling change for updates in human remains display and storage standards. Both included the public opinions in the forms of forums and surveys asking advice on what they would like to see and to ensure comfortability. 

 Don't forget the poster session is coming up soon! That is where we all design posters according to our topics and talk about the main themes in our papers. Can't wait to discuss anything you may have questions about or other inquiries :)


Monday, March 3, 2025

Exhibition Recap & Thoughts

 Hi everyone!

As you know, Gabby and I had our exhibitions on display beginning February 12th, which will be de-installed March 17th. Our opening reception, which included Dr. Decker's exhibition, was February 18th. 

Overall, I was very happy with how Ruffles and Rebellion turned out. I ended up having to push the installation time over a bit, which was originally supposed to be Monday and Tuesday, with the exhibit ready to be displayed Wednesday. I simply could not make time in only two days to set up everything with just myself and my friend Bo without missing class, especially with the Gallery only being open until 5 pm. There was someone else I planned to have help us set up, but they had to cancel last minute. This honestly caused me a sufficient amount of distress. In the end though, everything turned out okay. 

After installation, I kept thinking about what I wish I would've done. For example, including a list of terms used in the Lolita community, or expanding more on the origin of the name. Even though the exhibition was supposed to essentially be the visual component of my thesis, I thought more about how I could've added things to make it more informative for the viewer. At the end of the day, though, we're always thinking about things we would've done differently and I'm thankful how this experience will prepare me for future exhibitions. 

My favorite thing to come out of this exhibition was the impact it had on other people, and the way it made them feel seen. I was a little afraid of possible critique, especially with many rules in the Lolita community, but when I posted videos of it on social media, everyone was really kind and appreciative. Many Lolitas thanked me for bringing the niche fashion to a wider audience, and a lot of people had questions. I'm proud of my work and hope to do future exhibitions such as these.

- Carolyn

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Finished Thesis (For the Most Part)


    I am proud to announce that I finished writing my thesis. I still need to do a few things before submitting, like reading it over, correcting any mistakes I made, and properly citing everything. When I finished up the draft of my last section, it felt like a breath of fresh air. Since starting this project, I have been excited to see where it goes, what I will do with it, and how it will impact my community in Ogdensburg, New York. Regardless, like any big project, it can be stressful at times. Some things may not go to plan, and your vision may not be exactly what it originally was. In the end, like Professor Newman has said time and time again, "you get to do this." That repetitive statement helped bring me through any mishap, and like my excitement about wrapping up on my draft, I am ecstatic to see where the future of my exhibition goes.  Everyone in my thesis group is doing a wonderful job, and they all deserve a round of applause. 

Happy Writing,


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Updates and my own blog!

 Hi everyone! Here is the link to my blog-

Feel free to comment and share! I finished transcribing all of my oral histories and will have them up soon. Editing the transcriptions is taking a little bit longer than expected, but things happen. My main goal right now is to get a first draft of my whole thesis done. Also, figuring out the conclusion/ message I want to get across with my thesis. 

Overall, I am so thankful to have this opportunity and am looking forward to getting feedback from the Dansville Community. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Interactive Change Update


Since the last post, I have had an update on my interactive. Prior, the curators and I wanted to make an Adirondack lean-to. However, in the process of construction, we realized how difficult and time-consuming it would be for the children and the curators to design. Because of this, we decided to make a waterfall interactive instead.

The interactive will be constructed from wood and chicken wire. Here the visitors will tie recycled blue and green fabric to a wired piece. In the end, it will create a waterfall-like structure. This structure will be completed by the Art Club and the sculpture class. On the fabric, visitors will answer the question, "What does environment mean to you?" This collaborative piece will make visitors feel like they are part of the exhibition along with the children displayed. A visual example is pictured below.

Thursday, February 20, 2025


    Hi everyone! A lot has happened after winter break, I have been very busy, and I apologize for the late updates.

    To begin with, I have been workshopping and reiterating my thesis proposal based off Dr. Newman's feedback. 

    A challenge in my thesis project as I move forward on a rough draft is clarifying in my abstract what exactly my thesis and exhibit will be about. I believe last semester, I was slightly confused on what my thesis statement had to be about and thought it had to clearly demonstrate action and directly involve my exhibit. My thesis is not focused around student-curated exhibitions, or even exhibitions, but Lolita fashion holistically.

    I will be workshopping my thesis statement for the next draft in order for my project to be more cohesive and understandable. I don't mention student-curated exhibitions anywhere else in my thesis, so there's nothing for me to cut out regarding that. However, it would be worth mentioning other exhibits that were displayed about Lolita fashion as well as sources that include public perception of the fashion to an "outsider."

    These modifications will help my project advance because they will narrow and concentrate my thesis, while at the same time expanding it and giving it more context in a way that is relevant. There's so much I want to include in my thesis, but not super clear, accurate information and most of it I have to extrapolate or get a sense for by looking inwards on communities. I do think there will be enough to reference, though, as the paper is aimed more toward those who have little to no knowledge about Lolita fashion.

See you in the next update!

- Carolyn 

Exhibit Opening and small updates!

    Jerrold Smith: The Student, The Craftsman, The Drifter is officially installed. I would like to thank all of those who came out on Tuesday, the 18th, to celebrate the opening of the Surfacing exhibit show. It was great to see everyone and converse with others about my project. The exhibit is up from February 12th to March 8th in the University Gallery at RIT. If you haven't seen it yet, I encourage you to stop by and check out all of the shows happening.

Close-up of The Student & The Craftsman Case
Extended shot of Jerrold Smith: The Student, The Craftsman, The Drifter

    Recently, I have been chipping away at my thesis draft. The exhibition was the last big part of my project that I needed to complete before finishing up my paper and finalizing certain details. I am focused on my methodology section and building it into the practical side of my paper. I can't wait to see where this project goes in the end.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Case Studies Introduction

    When discussing human remains on display in institutions, it is important to look at what is being displayed as well as where. Mummies, bog bodies, and cadavers all serve different purposes when displayed, and the museums that display them have different purposes also. Looking at international and national museums and comparing their policies regarding human remains curation will allow for a deeper understanding of how various institutions approach the ethical, legal, and cultural complexities surrounding the handling of human remains.

    For the national museum, I will be looking at the Mutter museum in Philadelphia as they have an extensive medical collection. Recently they have been in the news for the displaying of remains, particularly those of indigenous descent which is subject for repatriation. There is the American Alliance for Museums which set policies and talks of restitution and repatriation for human remains following NAGPRA. Human remains are also supposed to be taken care of with "dignity and respect" which is the first line discussed under the Human Remains Curation section, but one can argue (me) the dignified response to acquiring human remains is to not display them. This museum and the code of ethics will be compared to the international museums Museo Egizio in Torino, Italy and the Hungarian Museum of London, England. 

There is lots more to discuss next time including details on the international museums! See you then.