Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Thesis Part 2

As we come back from Winter Break and pick back up with our theses, I'm getting back into the hang of working on my project as well as writing.  Project-wise, I've been able to get my scan to a point where I can do a test print, which I'm hopefully going to start tomorrow (weather pending).  I've also created a Visitor Study questionnaire that needs a little bit more work, but is mostly ready to go.  So in terms of my project, I'm feeling good about where I'm at and where I'm going from here.
Writing-wise, I feel a little stuck.  I'm having trouble just getting myself to start, and so far I hate everything I've written.  I know it'll be okay and this is just a draft, but I'm having some problems pushing through that to write my 8 pages for Thursday. Once I start really getting into things I think it'll be okay, but for now I just have to get myself motivated and really get into it!

1 comment:

  1. Lizzy, I am glad that the project component is coming along at a good pace. That will help you to set up a strong environment for your study. I look forward to reading this next draft! Feedback soon!
