Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Rough Draft = Done!

      Even though I am proud of the research I am doing, having to sit down and write this 25 paged paper was something I was not looking forwards to. It took longer than expected and I am not sure I conveyed all the information I wanted to, but it is a good push off point! 

    My favorite part about this whole experience was being able to learn about a topic that interests me so much. Looking at the different museums and seeing their unique collections as well as how they store/ display them made me realize I made the right choice for my thesis topic. I was impressed with how both museums handled the calling change for updates in human remains display and storage standards. Both included the public opinions in the forms of forums and surveys asking advice on what they would like to see and to ensure comfortability. 

 Don't forget the poster session is coming up soon! That is where we all design posters according to our topics and talk about the main themes in our papers. Can't wait to discuss anything you may have questions about or other inquiries :)


Monday, March 3, 2025

Exhibition Recap & Thoughts

 Hi everyone!

As you know, Gabby and I had our exhibitions on display beginning February 12th, which will be de-installed March 17th. Our opening reception, which included Dr. Decker's exhibition, was February 18th. 

Overall, I was very happy with how Ruffles and Rebellion turned out. I ended up having to push the installation time over a bit, which was originally supposed to be Monday and Tuesday, with the exhibit ready to be displayed Wednesday. I simply could not make time in only two days to set up everything with just myself and my friend Bo without missing class, especially with the Gallery only being open until 5 pm. There was someone else I planned to have help us set up, but they had to cancel last minute. This honestly caused me a sufficient amount of distress. In the end though, everything turned out okay. 

After installation, I kept thinking about what I wish I would've done. For example, including a list of terms used in the Lolita community, or expanding more on the origin of the name. Even though the exhibition was supposed to essentially be the visual component of my thesis, I thought more about how I could've added things to make it more informative for the viewer. At the end of the day, though, we're always thinking about things we would've done differently and I'm thankful how this experience will prepare me for future exhibitions. 

My favorite thing to come out of this exhibition was the impact it had on other people, and the way it made them feel seen. I was a little afraid of possible critique, especially with many rules in the Lolita community, but when I posted videos of it on social media, everyone was really kind and appreciative. Many Lolitas thanked me for bringing the niche fashion to a wider audience, and a lot of people had questions. I'm proud of my work and hope to do future exhibitions such as these.

- Carolyn