Saturday, February 23, 2019

Visitor Studies Completed!

Since the last blog post update, I have not only been able to create a final print of my visors, but have also conducted three days worth of visitor observations!  After printing my first version of the visor, I made adjustments to the shape of the nose hole and the size, but my second ended up being a little too small.  I ended up reprinting it for a third time using brown filament, and this time the size was almost perfect.  I sanded and then airbrush painted this version of the visor, which made it look more like the original and also changed the texture to feel less like a 3D print.
The next part of my project was to actually conduct the visitor survey.  I went to the RMSC on Monday 2/18, Friday 2/22, and Saturday 2/23, and was able to collect a total of 71 survey responses.  I also tracked on paper how many children and adults stopped to look at the setup, handled the visor, and tried it on.  These numbers aren't as exact and don't say anything about the desire of the visitors, but since not all the visitors took the survey it gives me a sense of how many people interacted with the visor. 
I haven't gotten to go through the data in-depth yet, but from a preliminary glance it seems that people enjoyed their experience with the visor, and found it satisfying to touch.  I might go back to the RMSC to try and collect more data, but I have to talk to my advisers and see if 71 responses is enough.  I'm excited to go through the data more and see what conclusions I can draw, and to keep working on my project! 

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