Monday, March 21, 2022

Thesis Progress

The project is going okay. I'm still just working in Tableau and trying to make dashboards that look nice and accurately present the appeal of green infrastructure. I'm getting work done but it feels like the project has been in more or less the same spot for awhile now. My thesis board meeting is supposed to be this week, so I can get some feedback on what I have, make some more adjustments, and then hopefully be ready to schedule some kind of user testing to write about in my paper. The first draft of the final thesis is due in one week. If I get done everything that I want to get done this week, I think I will have enough content for most of a paper. But I still won't be able to talk too much about my findings or conclusions yet, so it won't really be a complete draft.
I think the poster is going to come out really good but I can't work on it anymore until I have more progress on the actual project. 

I also made a trello awhile ago to help me keep track of it but I don't update it very often.

And my final title is now Living Breathing Data: Sharing and Interpreting Green Infrastructure Data to Promote Behavioral Change

data 😤

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Thesis Progress

 Recently, we shifted some of our focus from the thesis paper to the poster, which has been a nice change of pace. I really enjoyed working on the poster, even though there were definitely times I became creatively frustrated trying to figure out how to include everything I wanted without going overboard. The peer review and charette were extremely helpful and it they both gave me ideas about how to continue to fix my poster. 

Also, for the past few weeks I have not been making much progress on my thesis, but recently I feel like I have very had a break through. I think that if I sit down and make some foundational changes to what I already have then I will really make some headway moving forward.