Tuesday, April 30, 2024

At Journey's End... and What a Trip it has Been!


Welcome to my last MUSE-490 Blog post. 

Tomorrow is the COLA Undergraduate Capstone Conference, and there I will fulfill the last of my requirements for completion of a Bachelor of Science degree in Museum Studies. 

So, true to form what am I stressing about? What to wear HAHA! 

When I submitted the final version of my thesis, I [no kidding] had Aaron Copeland’s “Fanfare for the Common Man” blasting in my head. When I saw “Submission successful,” a lump suddenly appeared in my throat and my eyes stung, and I was overcome with emotion. Thankfully, I was home so only Jonesy the cat witnessed my weepy moment. 

I started thinking about “What’s Next,” and was momentarily overwhelmed. I sincerely want to see this book come into being – this thesis and accompanying poster session are really just the stepping stone to a potentially huge and daunting undertaking. Not unlike graduation… the book was an intangible, off in the distance, “later,” thing. After 7 years, graduation is happening in 11 days… and that “later” is drawing nearer. 

I’m going to allow myself a break. I’m going to allow myself to walk my talk, and practice the experiential birding mentality I’ve promoted in my thesis. I’m going to catch my breath, stretch my legs, and allow myself to “be,” as much as working 2 jobs and house hunting will allow me to, anyway. I’m going to recharge, refocus, and regroup, and in late May/early June I’ll start the next leg of this journey. 

Unlike many of my fellow graduates, I’m not going anywhere. I’m not going on to a new job, or graduate school, or an internship, or traveling. On Saturday I graduate, on Sunday I work at The Bird House, and on Monday I go back to work at RIT. But like my fellow graduates, that Saturday morning will bring with it a deep and profound change in self. Completing a degree is no mean feat; it doesn’t matter if you’re taking classes full time or working full time and taking the occasional 1 or 2 classes when you can. Achieving an academic milestone takes work, perseverance, dedication, and infinite patience with oneself. 

I am proud of what I’ve accomplished. I am proud of this journey I chose for myself. I am proud of my fellow MUSE graduates and can’t wait to see what amazing things they’re going bring to the world, to the community, and to the Arts, History, Culture, and Society. And hey, if it just so happens that someday someone catches sight of a bird, smiles, and has a moment of “I wonder…” then I can happily say Mission Accomplished.

On to the Next Adventure!

 With my final draft signed and buttoned up, and our poster presentations tomorrow, this really is the end of my senior thesis journey! To think that I picked my topic, quite literally, by spinning a wheel of potential ideas, and it has since turned into a fully realized, 40-something page thesis. I've always had confidence in my writing, but doing this has taught me so much more --- how passion and academics can intersect to create wonderful things, how creating such a lengthy paper takes both organization and grit, and how hard work pays off in the end!

I'd like to take a moment to thank Dr. Brown, Dr. Decker, and professor Doherty for their continued feedback, guidance, and suggestions on this paper, as well as, of course, my friends for their unwavering support! Rest assured, we are already planning for this year's PA Ren Faire... exciting days lie ahead!

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

This is it.

 This past week I officially turned in my final paper as well as my finished poster related to this thesis. It has not quite set in that in 18 days I will walk the stage and receive my diploma. I think this feeling is because I have been working towards this goal most of my life, and now that is here I am thinking to myself, what comes next. I am relieved to have gotten this far and can now relax a bit as we coast into finals week and our poster presentation session. I truly enjoyed my time here are RIT and cannot wait to see what everyone accomplishes in the future. 

Officially Crossed the Finish Line!

 We're officially here! I absolutely cannot believe that I did this. I am so proud of myself and all of my accomplishments that I have been able to make this year. It is truly an honor to be able to graduate from this program. I have learned so much here at my RIT, and I am excited to apply all that I have learned to my professional life. I have gone through a lot of big changes while here at RIT, and I've learned a lot about myself, and all for the better. I am greatly looking forward to presenting my poster at the poster session, and finally getting to walk across a stage for graduation for the first time of my life. Thank you to all of my incredible professors and mentors that I have in my time here at RIT. Getting to work with you all was truly an honor. 

It's Actually Done!

It seems surreal that my thesis is finally capital-F Finished. The waiting period between the final draft and approval was a strange limbo of simultaneous relief and anxiety. Being able to turn my attention to my other classes, the end of the semester seemed suddenly so much closer. I have so little left to do and it's bittersweet, but I'm glad to be moving on to the next chapter of my life. I am satisfied with the work I have done on my thesis. While there is so much more in my mind that I wish I could have explored, for my Bachelor's thesis I feel I have contributed my share for now. Going on to graduate school, I am excited to do more research and hopefully lay down roots where I plan to start my career.

It always seems impossible until it's done.

Hello, and welcome back to the final update on my thesis. Since my last update, I have submitted my final draft and finished my research poster, which is ready to print. First, I want to thank you for all the guidance and support Dr. Newman and Dr. Decker provided while developing my exhibition and thesis journey. Their expertise and insightful feedback were invaluable to my research and writing process. 

If you are attending the research poster session, feel free to track me down and ask anything and everything about my project, exhibit, or collection. I will be more than happy to talk with you all.

Finally, I will leave you all with one final poster that I feel genuinely encapsulates my feelings about finishing my thesis project.

Thank you all again, 

James Falotico signing off

T-Minus... 18 Days!

I have officially submitted my poster and final thesis! I feel really happy to be finally done and have crossed this finish line. I am looking forward to the poster session next week where I will be dressed in my best pink and green dress to celebrate "the bloom!" Funny enough, next weekend, May 3-5, is the final weekend of the festival when all of my favorite events take place. I am looking forward to seeing my hometown's social media posts and friends post their experiences and the events they particpate in this year! Almost there! 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Officially Done!

 I just submitted my approved paper and poster, so I am officially done with my thesis! This whole process has been such a wonderful learning experience for me, and I feel like my writing and researching skills have improved so much. I honestly am almost going to miss it- I feel like there is so much more research to do! However, I am really proud and happy that I have finished it. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

April Showers... We're Almost There!

 I have been working in overdrive the last couple weeks. Prior to spring break, I was having major writer's block, but have successfully been working through that mroe recently. When I met with my readers in March, I walked away with a very do-able list of things to add, take away, and revise as I finished writing. I feel like I have been successful with most of those to-dos, and am still working my way through others. I have added a really great section on my interview with Larry Omps, former mayor of Winchester, VA to my methodology that I feel encompasses the conversation and feelings we share about Apple Blossom. I have had to learn new ways of footnoting objects within a given collection, which is great for my writing now and in the future. With one weke left, I have three things left on my to-do list! I am excited to be almost to the finish line!

April Showers Bring... a Finished Thesis?!?!

My thesis is coming along about as good as it could be, with one glaring exception... that it isn't done yet! With one week until our full papers are due, it's time to hunker down and make the last few additions before we enter the final edit stage. The document itself is getting to the length that my computer takes a minute to open it, which is probably a sign that I should wrap things up 😅

Since we didn't hold a formal topic defense in the fall, I am looking forward to poster presentations. Presenting our work to faculty and friends after two semesters of effort is, to me, the finish line --- after that, all that will be left to do is walk across the stage and get my diploma!

As spring... springs, more and more Renn Faires are opening their doors (and/or websites) for summer ticket sales! Sadly, the paltry salary of a college student has once again prevented me from purchasing a season-long ticket, but regardless of that, I think it'll be another great year in the world of the (fake but still wonderful) Renaissance! 🌞

The Finish Line is Within my Grasp!

  Hello, and welcome back to another update on my thesis and project. Since my last update, I have met with my first reader to get his feedback, and together, we have paved the way for finishing my thesis by the deadline. So far the current timeline is looking like this: 

1. Move my content around. 

2. Rebuild my literature review to analyze the works of Keegan, Fussell, and McMillan.

3. In the 70s section, discuss the propaganda poster auctions.

4. Finish the analysis of the visitor data and conclude my paper 

5. Create a table of contents 

6. Format my thesis so it perfectly mirror/s the thesis examples and is up to the museum studies standard. 

As of today, I have rebuilt parts of my literature review, including Keegan, Fussell, and McMillan, and am moving forward to discussing the poster auctions in the 70s. I would like to finally thank everyone who has helped me with my thesis up to this point, and I look forward to turning in my paper next Tuesday!


Almost done!

So very close! I just need to finish up a couple of portions of case studies and edit my conclusion. I do still need to pop in my photos, but they are all set and ready to go in. I have a strict day by day calendar I am following to get everything finished in time and have built in time for little things that might pop up. I have a WordPress exhibit in progress that should be finished by the time I turn in my thesis. Once this gets turned in on the 9th, I will focus on my poster which is coming along and will be turned in on the 16th. Yay!!

Thirty-Thirty-Thirty-Nine Days to go. I Wanna Be Graduated!*

*With all due respect and apologies to the Ramones... I couldn't resist 😇

For those keeping score at home: 

Final final draft of the Thesis is due in 21 days.

Presentation of our research and findings at the Undergraduate Symposium is in 30 days. 

Commencement is in 39 days. 

Once upon a time, when I started this journey nearly 7 years ago, Commencement seemed so far away... this magical, mystical "someday." Now "someday" is "39 days" away. 

Status update: 

  • The Poster for the Symposium is done. I sent it to Amy for comments or feedback, but as yet haven't heard anything. I've been assured that it is still ready for presentation as is, so that's basically done. ✅
  • The heavy lifting for the Thesis is done. I'm awaiting feedback for this latest iteration from my Readers, and I've also shared with some friends outside of RIT, with backgrounds in Museums, Historic Recreation, and Writing (and also who've just expressed a big interest in reading it). I've asked, if possible, to comment on Readability, Clarity of Concept, and Tone. My hope is that any feedback will be received before this weekend, and I can incorporate needed updates in time for the due date on April 9th. 
  • I still need to prepare the signature page for the Thesis document itself and adjust some of the structural formatting (remove some page breaks, adjust some margins). 
I'm grateful to be working in a department with a supervisor that offers the flexibility to complete this last year of my education - there was a distinct lack of that flexibility in my previous depts. 

I have a tendency to downplay my accomplishments, but I feel justified and validated to toot my horn a little bit... I was presented with the Tina Lent Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Museum Studies (a writing award) for my Thesis Proposal/Thesis on Friday, March 22nd at a reception in the University Gallery! 

Ha! No pressure! 

I still believe in my project, and that it is a good idea. More importantly, as I have discussions with members of Indigenous communities (most recently with Peter Jemison [Seneca, Heron clan], former Site Director for Ganondagan State History Site), the feedback and reactions I receive are positive and receptive. It is still my goal to produce some form of my guide by the end of 2024, so I still have a lot of work to do - but I am still passionately motivated to do it. First step... get through the next 21 / 30 / 39 Days...

image: a Black American Crow stands in profile on top of a brick wall. It is in front of a pile of birdseed and looking into the camera.


Monday, April 1, 2024

We're almost there!

 Meeting with my readers this past week has been very insightful and I feel confident in my ability to deliver my final thesis next week! Looking at the final thesis format (and glancing at the current page count) doesn't quite seem real, but I'm proud of how far I've come since my initial proposal. None of this would have been possible without my wonderful support team in my readers, professors, family, and friends. I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me refine my message and my voice throughout this journey. I can't fully believe yet that it's coming to an end, but I am also very ready for this to be finished. T-7 days to submission, better get writing!

Last Week for Writing

 Today marks the first day of the last week we have left to work on our thesis. I met last week with my advisors to go over final content additions and revisions. I only have a little bit more to add and adjust within my current version and then I am done. I plan to have this done by Thursday of this week so that I do not have to work on this over the weekend. I only have a bit more to add and then I will be done so I am very excited for this part of my journey to be over. While I have enjoyed all the work that I have done for this semester and really enjoy my thesis topic overall, I am very eager to graduate and finish my career at RIT on a positive note. 

The Final Sprint....

OMG! I only have to work on my appendix and edit my paper, and then I am DONE with my thesis! I am so excited about this. Like I have said in previous posts, I never thought that I would get this far, and I am so proud of myself for being able to push myself and pursue a project that interests me. While this has been a lot of work, I am so thankful for all of those who have helped to push and who have helped to support me. I am excited to turn in the last little bit of my paper, and I am excited to see how the rest of this semester plays out!

Getting to the Finish Line!

 I am very close to finishing my thesis at this point in the semester! It almost doesn't feel real because I have been working on it for so long haha. I am pretty much done writing at this point and am mainly focused on editing. I went to the Writing Center recently, which I found really helpful and I think would be a good idea for everyone in thesis to do at least once. I also have started working on my poster! Overall, it's been a very busy but very productive few weeks and I look forward to finishing up.