Thursday, October 14, 2021

Thesis progress and stuff

 Hello everyone!

The short summary of my thesis project is that I am visualizing quantitative data collected from the green infrastructure showcase at the Rochester Museum and Science Center, using digital visualization software such as tableau. We're collecting a lot of different data, so recently I've been trying to narrow down what specifically I will be working this. To do this, I had to set up criteria for what I wanted people to learn about green infrastructure, so I've spent a lot of time outlining that and thinking on paper. 

I'm thinking that I can answer a lot of these questions using the new ecosystem services data that we are about to begin collecting in correlation with weather data from the meteorological station. These topics highlight the importance of green infrastructure, and are relevant to the daily lives of your average Rochester citizen. Furthermore, I think they'll be fun to visualize. I've also visited the museum earlier this week to help me think about how these visualizations might be implemented digitally or physically. Soon I would like to start conducting visitor studies, I think that will help me understand what I need to do a lot better. I'm also making a mental note to take more pictures of the things that I'm doing so I can include something fun in these blogs. 

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