Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Refocusing (Von Stevens)

 Hey, welcome back

    Coming back from winter break and talking to Dr. Newman, made me realize that while I am not too far off track, I do need to refocus some parts. The purpose of my capstone is to make an exhibit on Cambodian culture post Democratic Kampuchea, and most of my research and structure is centered around Cambodia right now. I need to work more on researching and incorporating exhibition design and museum educational methods such as object learning into my project. I somewhat neglected half the purpose of my thesis I realized and was in danger of just writing a research paper, not a proper original work thesis. So I think I can chill a bit in terms of looking at sources for Cambodia and look more for museum related and exhibit related sources. Along with finding new sources, I need to reorganize the outline and plan for my thesis. A lot of the body was, once again, overly focused on Cambodian culture and does not give enough highlight to the other half of my capstone project which is about exhibition design. I feel like as I troubleshoot I have a better image in my head of where I'm going though, and I do not really feel lost. I recognize I have work to do but I don't think I am behind or struggling (yet) with the work or task. Hopefully this semester goes well!

Von Stevens

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