Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Challenge Ahead

 As I begin to refocus on my thesis and see what I need to do in the months ahead, I realize that I have a big challenge that lies with my work from last semester. Specifically, my (newfound) desire to rewrite my lit review and abstract

 I knew coming into this that I would be making tweaks and edits, but I am realizing that it’s a much bigger task than I anticipated. Specifically, I am concerned about rewriting my literature review. I anticipated having to rewrite my abstract but didn’t realize that I would have or want to do major revisions on my literature review. However, after skimming through it, I realized that I need to, because it is roughly edited, and, as my thesis is altered and my goal becomes more clear, needs to be made to match that. I also don’t like how it’s currently organized, and I feel that some of the points made are weak.

Hopefully, most of what I’ve written can be reused in some way or another. I hope to deal with this challenge by first rewriting my abstract, and I want to (literally) highlight the key parts of it so I know what my lit review should focus on. I then want to go paragraph by paragraph (or maybe section by section) and do the same thing– highlighting what’s key, what could be reused, and what should be sent to my freezer document. This will help my project advance because it will clean up my lit review, but it will also benefit me in the long run, as it will make sure that my project is neatly tied together, and that the research I did is relevant and clearly shows how it helped to guide my project.

I know this isn't much of an update, but it is a small look ahead at some of my immediate concerns with my thesis.

See you next time!

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