Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Back to School

I was a little nervous about how I was progressing in the semester until I saw everyone else worrying about how it's only week 3 and they already feel like they're behind! Though by this point you think I would be used to it. The writing has been okay, I'm working through it, though it will definitely be a little disjointed right now until I get a better idea of how I would actually like to structure my research content. Right now I am working on my introduction section and a section on religion and the Erie Canal. This weekend I am hoping to read "Low Bridge: Folklore and the Erie Canal" by Lionel D. Wyld, depending on the progress of that I will also pick up "The Psychic Highway: How the Erie Canal Changed America" by Michel T. Keene. Both get into some of the more general history of the canal. I'm not sure if I'll read all of Low Bridge, as the first few chapters are more relevant for my studies than the second half of the book. The Psychic Highway looks at a lot of the social impacts I am interested in.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kate, great research update. Looking forward to the next update, and an update on your project.
