Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What's Next

Hello All,

I can't believe we're more than half way through the semester! Since our discussions in class about the literature review, I've been focusing on finding research that connects to my topic and slowly but surely bringing different pieces together. I am trying my best to find literature that links to each other and also finding the best way to insert my own opinion into my review.

I've mostly been focusing on the digital side of my research, examining articles/books that are reviewing the digital space and that center their argument on ideas like accessibility, digital tourism, digitization, and interactivity. I really want to know what participants are looking for when utilizing an online platform and what they seem to learn the most from. I was researching one article that discussed interactivity and how it can be used as a learning tool, promoting the idea of finding one's own learning path through the use of different materials. I've also been going through case studies. One was very helpful, and was a tour that could be accessed through a website from anywhere. This helped me to think about my own tour and the type of platform I wish to use when creating the space. I hope to find other examples that could help when thinking about what online platform I want to use and what could be the most easily accessible for my audience.

There is still material that I need to dive further into for my thesis, and will be my focus for the second half of my literature review. I would like to look at the bigger narrative for my project, how my work could be applicable for other organizations (i.e. how could smaller institutions use my methods to work on similar projects). I also would like to further examine what system I should use to pick the material I will be working with for the tour. Also how I frame these points in history when thinking about the 100th anniversary and what stories will be considered the "most important" or crucial  in the camp's history to those who will be viewing the site/digital space.


  1. Monica, this all sounds fantastic! When looking at the bigger narrative, perhaps there are places that are already doing a similar thing, and you could use their research with your own?

    1. That's a great idea! I've started to look at other case studies, but I think I need to widen my search a bit and look for items that are not just map based.

  2. Monica, this is a great update - exciting to see how you're working through these decisions. Might be helpful to select a handful of tour/digital guide platforms that are free, create a pro/con list for each, and see how a pre-existing format/app could offer you the tools you need to develop your content while also providing a pathway for the organization (the camp) to maintain the project with relative ease. That way, it's sustainable :)

    1. Hi Dr. Decker, thank you for the idea - I think that will help narrow down my choices and help me think about what is best for those who visit the site long term.
