Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Winter Plans

Over winter break I plan to build upon my lit review by going over each review and writing 2 pages- one page for my detailed opinions on what the author(s) had to say and one page for how I think it relates to my thesis. The goals is to refine my lit review and begin formally writing a draft of my thesis in a manner that isn't so daunting. From here it should be easier to lay out what my thesis will look like more accurately; I will also be able to spot gaps in my writing easier. If I do 2 a week for 3 weeks (sorry, Xmas is designated family/me time), I'll get 6 done and make a significant dent. I think I'll focus the articles that focus on public markets/ RPM.

Pictured Above: The RPM local farmer and vendor on October 7th (Photo taken by me)

The other big thing I would like to do is visit RPM on January 2nd, 6th, 9th, and the 12th. On the 2nd and the 9th, I want to conduct interviews with RPM officials and/or vendors, which is easier to do on quiet days (Tuesdays), than on the weekends. The 6th and the 9th I will visit the RPM for participant observation- critically analyzing my experience, the behaviors of other visitors, and the overall atmosphere of RPM on those two days. From these I will write brief field reports detailing what I have learned.

Please let me know what you think of this plan; whether its too much or not enough. I'm more than willing to make changes if they will be more beneficial to my thesis. 



  1. What insights to you hope to gain from your participant observation and how do they relate to the big idea or research question of your thesis?

  2. I like your idea of writing field reports on your trips to the market! Obviously your findings from these trips will included within your writing, but I was wondering if you plan to include the original reports in your thesis as well? Like in an appendix, just to show the raw experience you had?

  3. I think you have a solid plan for working over break and your ideas to visit the public market and take field notes are wonderful. I definitely agree with Alex and think some of these notes should be included in an appendix because they'll provide raw information that people may be interested in. I look forward to seeing what you have available next semester!
