Monday, September 14, 2020

Digital and Physical Facsimiles

Hello again! Trying to clearly define the purpose of my thesis was rather difficult because I feel as if there are a lot of reasons this is something I should research, but I knew it is best if I focus on one reason why this topic is worthwhile. 

For my thesis research, I am interested in exploring the use of facsimiles in museums to answer the question: do digital and physical reproductions of wood type fonts allow for preservation of the original fonts while maintaining an authentic, participatory experience for visitors? I plan to work with the Genesee Country Village & Museum to digitally render and physically recreate a selection of their wooden type fonts that are used in the printer’s shop onsite. By creating these facsimiles with the intent of printing with them, I hope to demonstrate the capabilities of modern technology and the benefits of its use so as to better preserve the original artifacts while still allowing for historical re-enactment. 

1 comment:

  1. Koda, this topic is especially interesting now, in our COVID world. One source you might consider: data -- by going back to is our MUSE 360 data sets from Spring 2020 to analyze benchmark feelings about use of technology, and then build from there to answer your question about the GCV&M example.
