Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Hello There!

 Hi y'all! I am Nic Feldman, a 3rd year Museum Studies Major with a Public Policy Immersion, and this is my last year here at RIT!

I'm writing this at the very beginning of my thesis journey, and by very beginning I mean I have just truly settled on my topic and have begun to research and lay out a plan of attack. My topic idea came from my first semester of being a MUSE student, when I assisted in RIT Archives in the curation and installation of Innovative Investments: 30 Years of Tom Golisano at RIT. During that process, I "came up" with an idea I coined "The Magpie Effect," where I reasoned that the inclusion of a shiny/reflective object, in this case a  brass plaque, would serve as a great way to catch peoples eyes as they walk by the exhibit. Unfortunately, the plaque wasn't included, and my theory went untested but the idea stuck with me, and I was able to somewhat develop it further over this past year. Through my continuing work at the RIT Archives and at my summer co-op at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, I realized there was a social aspect to The Magpie Effect--- people tend to be more interested in an exhibit where they recognize the names and content within in a much more noticeable way.

I am having my thesis focus on the Magpie Effect, I find it a very intriguing idea, especially as I have a love for exhibits and exhibit design, but I'm not focusing on all the different aspects that I could potentially study, I am just focusing on the social aspect. Specifically, how visitor familiarity with exhibit content draws them in and connects them to the exhibit. 

Currently, I am working on research-- finding sources and figuring out what data has already been collected and how, so that when I go and do a visitor study, I have something to compare to, and something I can use as a reference to better understand my data.

Hopefully, I'll have more for y'all in a couple weeks! For now: my cat.

An orange cat lying half asleep on a grey couch.
Pete, an orange cat, lying on a grey couch half asleep.


Nic Feldman


  1. Great post, Nic. Exciting to see your ideas materialize and be informed by classes, work on campus, and your internship. Love Pete, too! What a cutie!

    1. Ummm. That comment above is from Dr. Decker : D
