Monday, August 29, 2016

Chris Fisher Introduction


I'm Chris, a fourth year museum studies major. I took some time off and now I'm back at RIT to finish up my last year. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you guys over the next year. As I had said during class, my internship was at the Rochester Public Library working alongside Michelle Finn. They were lucky enough to receive a large collection of personal letters from the Gleason family, largely letters from Kate Gleason and I was tasked with transcribing them all and then entering what I had found into the website
While the end product is certainly a nice website, I feel that it didn't get me much closer to narrowing in on exactly what I want to do in an actual museum setting after graduation. Certainly something to do with curation as I enjoy working with actual objects. At the same time I'm also drawn to more of something in the museum management area. Hopefully as we get closer to graduation and as I work away at my thesis the answer will become clearer!


  1. Hi Chris!! I think you are the only one I don't know yet in the class but don't worry we will all get really close by the end of the year!!I feel the same way about graduation and life beyond school, I have no clue what type of institution I will go to. I just like everything. But I bet we will figure it out soon!!

  2. It is very cool that you got to see your work be put to use through the Kate Gleason exhibit. I can't wait to get to know you better and hear more of your ideas in class!

  3. Oh my — we have used your transcriptions in class, as Hannah noted, for KG. The Rochester Voices project is such a good resource. Maybe you could continue working on/with the collections at RPL to digitize them?
    Look forward to meeting you!
