Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thesis Update March 2017

Hello again,

I am here to update you on my thesis process!

Today I turn in my second draft of my thesis paper which I am thrilled about. I feel pretty good with only a few more sections needing to be written. So far I am up to 50 pages which seems like a ton to me but I feel confident that they are all worth-while pages. In the last few weeks these are some of the highlights I have accomplished:

Printed out the After Dark surveys and began to analyze them,
made plans to write out the interview with Joelle,
I uploaded some of the photographs that I took at my events,
I looked over Kelli's feedback about my first draft,
I made the changes to my first draft that were necessary with the review from my first and second readers,
I talked with Kate Meyers Emery in class,
created captions for all my images and tables,
created Excel charts for additional visuals,
added full interview with notes to appendix,
and wrote and wrote and wrote.

So far this is what I have. Hopefully with the next version I can have all of my content written and then just start
editing it through.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, you have made a lot of progress over the past few weeks, and it does show, especially in refining your data and use of it. I look forward to reading your second draft!
