Thursday, March 30, 2017

Update on Thesis Project - 3/30

Nearing the end of my thesis here!  I've been working on my exhibition this last month, and the architecture has fully taken shape.  My tagging and categorization systems now work as intended, and I'm almost finished populating the site.  The last step for the exhibition is to finish populating and tagging.
On my paper, I'm nearly complete.  The last remaining section is my methodology.  I have my research and data on digital exhibitions set, and so all that is left in that section is to explain how that research informed my development of my site's architecture and flow.  Other than digital exhibitions, I have a small additional amount of historical information to incorporate into my modern section, primarily elaborating on Vietnam-era sentiment and regulations.

1 comment:

  1. Great progress on both your project and research, Phillip. Looking forward to the final steps!
