Monday, November 9, 2020

Plans for Winter Break

 Over winter break I plan to continue working at the History Center. Therefore I will be able to be in the space and continue to see how they update their exhibitions and utilize their collections. I plan on taking notes not only on what I see and observe in the space but also their policies and procedures. I also plan on talking to those that work there about their ideas and wants with mini interviews. For this I need to create interview questions and schedule time to meet with each person. 

As I said I already am planning to be working in the space a few days a week so I will just have to add into my work schedule time to do work for my thesis along with the work my supervisor has planned for me. This will just take some readjusting to my work schedule but is totally do-able. 


  1. Hi Katie, I think it is so exciting that you will be working in the physical space of your case study, as it will allow you to keep coming up with great ideas. Also, the idea of conducting interviews to further your research is so exciting, and I am really interested to see what the different perspectives will be!

  2. That is really cool that you will be able to directly interact with the subject of your thesis over the break. While its not much of a break at least you can use the time to make progress towards making the spring semester a little more fluid.
