Thursday, October 1, 2015

Mark Ellingson Collection

So instead of working on the other projects I was considering earlier I'm planning on working with the Mark Ellingson Collection in the RIT Archives. Mark Ellingson was the fifth president of RIT and was president during some very important changes in the institution, namely the move from downtown Rochester to the Henrietta campus as well as when NTID became part of the institute. However I have not yet had a chance to check out the collection to really get a grasp as to what I will be working with. I have an appointment with the archivist Becky Simmons but until I actually get to see the materials I'll be working with and what I'll be doing with them I'm just not quite certain of the trajectory of my project. At this point I need to do more research on the presidency of Mark Ellingson to help me generate ideas leading up to my visit to the Archives.


  1. Sounds awesome; I hear the name Mark Ellingson all the time, but usually just as a character in a story I'm excited to hear about what you find out about him.

  2. Pres. Ellingson seems to be one of those names, like Sam says, is heard often. But, what was he like? Be sure to check out some of the oral histories from the class of '64 that Becky & Jody recorded last year (we worked with these recordings in Museums and the Digital Age, as you know!). He seems to have been much loved by the students! Good luck examining the collection. I look forward to hearing more!
