Thursday, February 18, 2016

Meeting with My Advisers - Reorienting Myself and My Project

As of late I've been working on my thesis paper and over the past week I've finished up working on the first 10 pages of my paper. As far as Tina and Becky have told me, when I met with them earlier,  I seem to be moving in the right direction in terms of the paper itself. The biggest change that I was told to make was to more directly speak about how the various writers' and academics' work are going to inform my project within the literature review section.

Also, as I said earlier, today I met with both my primary and secondary advisers and all three of us sat down to discuss my project and paper. As well as talking about the actual thesis paper Tina, Becky, and I discussed the expectations and parameters of my project. We came to the conclusion that, considering the huge scope of the collection, there just isn't enough time for me to look through and appraise the whole 32 boxes of the collection let alone get to rehousing the 32 scrapbooks. Instead we agreed that it would be best for me to set up parameters for appraisal and appraise a number of the boxes, but not all of them. That way I could set up the parameters and a tool for appraisal and get the project started, but someone else could finish appraising the rest of the material after my project is over using the same tools and parameters, as I just don't have enough time to get to all of the items in the collection at this point.

Another big change to my project that we all agreed on is to drop the idea of working with the scrapbooks and not taking a closer look at preservation. We decided that, since Becky knows that she wants to keep and just rehouse the scrapbooks, that those didn't need to be included in the project and that work can easily be done by another person. Therefore without this focus my paper is going to focus completely on appraisal and deaccession, and it'll only look at preservation as it associated with appraisal/deaccession, such as decisions to copy items that are in very bad condition or copy and remove items that are too deteriorated or may cause damage to the objects/documents around them.

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