Monday, February 15, 2016

Thesis Progress: Weeks 1-3

It's amazing how much progress can happen in just two weeks. Over intersessions and Week 1 I was questioning my topic and was unsure what to do. After getting back into the swing of things my passion and excitement for my topic has been restored.

Writing the first 10 pages in the beginning was extremely difficult. It took me two hours just to write two paragraphs. I was left feeling extremely frustrated. Thankfully I found my voice, got a good pace, and thankfully had friends and family cheering me on. As I got closer to 10 pages it became difficult to write again.

The peer review wasn't as helpful as I had originally hoped however I am looking forward for edits from my readers. I want to know their opinions and places were I can improve. After writing and doing some editing, I'm excited to be in this process and looking forward to the next coming weeks.


1 comment:

  1. Amanda, good to hear that progress is coming along. Keep working on both the writing and the analysis/spreadsheet a little bit each week. That will help you to keep both parts in focus!
