Tuesday, November 1, 2016

What I've Learned and What I've Left to Learn

My research has been going well so far.  Early on, I started out with researching writings on military mindsets, soldiers' psyche, and ethical theory.  As my thesis is shifting to a more applicational study on how best to effectively construct and interpret an exhibit on the history and significance of aircraft nose art in the military, I have begun to research the history of this art.  This is building a good foundation upon which I can lay my groundwork.  I've found books and articles that have thus far done a good job at providing me with details and events relating to this history.  I've still got some reading on history to do, which will no doubt expand my knowledge further on that front.  The main focus of the remaining research that I need to learn from is that of exhibit design and iconographic theory.  Exhibit design is obviously an important topic to research for my thesis, since it will inform many of the decisions I will be making regarding the design and focus of the exhibit.  Iconographic theory will also be a valuable research topic for developing my interpretation plans for the exhibit, as the content of nose art has much to do with the significance and meaning behind symbols and images.

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