Thursday, March 22, 2018

Kat and Kitten Relationships

With the database completed, I have finally been able to move into the visualization stage of my thesis. For visualizing the more quantitative data, I have looked into Piktochart to make my findings concise and visually presentable. An example of such data is demonstrating how almost a third of the artists in the database had their careers based in New York City prior to coming to Artpark. I like the graphics available from the templates, but the challenge is making them readable on my poster.

For visualizing artist networks and artists' relationship with museums and galleries, I have decided to use MindMeister. I really appreciate Dr. Decker's help in getting an upgraded version for all of us to use on a shared account. I believe I can trust her not to sabotage my work. Regardless of whether betrayal occurs or not, MindMeister is really easy to use! It's simple to have a central point of reference (Artpark) and to branch out from there. Artpark functions as the initial "Parent" ("Kat") while the associated institutions and their artists are the "Children" ("Kittens") in the visualization. The visualization includes both established art museums as well as more alternative spaces, and the connections between these institutions demonstrate that despite competing interests, they did not operate entirely independent of each other in the art network. I will include observations about the included institutions in the final paper.

1 comment:

  1. Kat and Kitten relationships are so much more friendly terms than parent child. I am so glad that we came up with this :) Your database and visualizations through infographics and mapping are really adding an additional layer (perhaps a digital overlay, as we discussed in museums and the digital age?) to a well-written paper. Lauren, the revision of your title is an important step in figuring out - what did I actually accomplish in my thesis and how can I convey this accurately to my audience? I look forward to reading your final thesis! Good luck!
