Thursday, March 22, 2018

Slight Identity Crisis

Before submitting my final thesis title, I realized that my title did not reflect what I was doing in my thesis. My title said I was doing conservation but my case studies reflected inspection reporting. After about five more tweaks to the title, I finally settled on a title "Inspecting Nitrate Silent Cinema: Case Studies from the John E. Allen Collection of the George Eastman Museum." 

Now that my identity crisis is over, I've been continually working through feedback from three different people and finishing up unfinished sections. One section I am struggling on is finding the historical significance of my case study films. The films date early enough in the 20th century that there is little to no information. I have searched through database after database but no luck. My next task is to visit the GEM and look through their books. 

That is all for now, I don't have too much to report. By next post my paper will be complete! 

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, the revision of your title is an important step in figuring out - what did I actually accomplish in my thesis and how can I convey this accurately to my audience? I look forward to reading your final thesis! Good luck!
