Monday, March 4, 2024

The Wheels on the Bus are Stuck in the Muck

 Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration. 

My momentum has been arrested a bit by "real life," in the form of new projects and new hire onboarding at Job #1 and merch photography for Job #2 (hey, at least my camera's getting some use), as well as reading through some late addition resources and needing time to absorb the content. 

The latest update, Official Draft Submission #2, did not contain as much content as I had intended, but I did incorporate some "placeholder" paragraphs explaining which of the new resources I was referencing and a summary of what was going to be added. 

I never expected to have to also contend with Spring Cleaning Frenzy, considering how lazy and unmotivated I've been for the past few months; but I did lose pretty much my entire weekend to work for Job #2 and house cleaning and errands - but a clean space is very conducive to productive thoughts. 

The plan, moving forward: 

  • I need to start scheduling writing blocks again and sticking to them. 
  • I have hit that point of "no new resources." I keep acquiring new material and I want to incorporate it all; but I just don't have the time or mental capacity. I will work to incorporate the information "promised" in this last update; but that in and of itself will involve some major changes to the flow of my current narrative. I'm in a decent place; but I don't feel I can afford another "parsing roadblock."
  • I have everything that I need to complete the course (and degree) requirements. I need to start recategorizing elements of my task list for "after graduation" work. I do want to see this book to fruition, hopefully by this Fall... but I need to stop trying to figure out how to have all of the conversations and develop all of the content for a full deliverable in 50 days. 
  • In the next few weeks, I will:
    • work on designing prototype pages.
    • If possible, come up with a website or mobile app wireframe for the paper and Poster.
    • complete my paper and ask some external friends to act as beta readers (I have a few friends with museum and/or history-related degrees and work in museums/historic battlefields; as well as some "laypersons" who are just interested in my thesis).
    • Acquire some "textbook quality" field photographs for the prototype. Ideally somewhere on or near the Ganondagan site, but so long as I remain in Seneca territory it will suffice.
    • Continue efforts to connect with possible collaborative partners.
It's quite a list. If I can't find the time or energy to get out and do some birding, I'll look through my collections and find something fitting... I've just never taken a photo of an American Woodcock (Snipe) before, and I have this inner insistence to include it as the Snipe is one of the Seneca clans. I do have photos of Hawks and Heron. There is an upcoming trip to observe the Woodcock Courtship behaviors in April; that may be my chance; though they dance at Dusk so lighting challenges may deny me my photo. 

Ah well, I'll figure it out... it always works out in the end. It's a mystery ;)

68 Days. 

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