Thursday, November 8, 2018

Oh the things I have learned

Over the past week I have had to completely change my thesis topic due to my original project being cancelled by the institution I was originally working with. Whereas my project originally was going to focus on digital archives for a small institution, my new project will allow me to assist in the creation of a digital exhibit telling the story of the Erie Canal in Rochester. I am very excited about this opportunity and refocusing my research on my new topic has opened up a whole new world of information related to digital curation. More than ever before I am starting to understand the importance of a digital presence for museums and other cultural institutions. I have always believed that the power of the internet can be a great way for museums to connect with their visitors but I am now understanding that it is much more than that. Digitization and digital exhibits allow unprecedented access to collections for sure but it also aids in the conservation of said collections. The conservation of artifacts and knowledge from the past will allow for future generations to learn more about history than ever before. Additionally, I have learned much more about the Erie canal and its effects on the City of Rochester. As a native resident I knew that the Erie Canal turned Rochester into the one of the first and biggest boom towns of the west but I know now exactly how much the canal helped to build "The Young Lion of the West". I have had a crash course in all of these topics over the past week but there is still much more research to be done. 

There are many things that I still will need to address in my research on this topic. My research on the history of the Erie Canal is not complete yet and there is more information out there that can help to build a better narrative of the Erie Canal and its effect on Rochester. Additionally, I will need to do more research on how to best tailor the digital exhibit to comply with New York State educational standards as this exhibit is meant to be used in a classroom setting. Finally, I need to do more research into accessibility and how to make the online experience available for all people. I have done a lot of work on this topic but there is still much to be done!


  1. That's really unfortunate that the previous project fell through, but it sounds like you have a great project with the Erie Canal, especially with their anniversary coming up. You have the opportunity to really get your work out there and get noticed. Good luck!

  2. Mason! You have taken a set back so well so late in the game but I wouldn't expect any less. Your perspective on digital curation and the importance of digital access its well put and pertinent in contemporary museuological discourse. I cannot wait to see how you develop this new project.

  3. It's frustrating that your original project got cancelled so late into the thesis process, but I'm really glad you were able to find another project to work on! It sounds like you're really engaged in the topic and your research is going well, and I'm excited to see where it'll take you.

  4. Hi Mason, I look forward to seeing what you can do with the Rochester Voices project -- I believe that's the project you're starting on, yes? One of the many positives that comes with a shift in your thesis project is that you can add to an already existing, well-received repository. Good luck, I look forward to an update!
