Sunday, November 10, 2019

Blog post 6: how has my topic evolved?

This is it, the penultimate blog post of this semester! At this point, it's really about choosing objects, creating a lesson plan, and executing it. And yes, I still need to choose objects. I went to the RMSC last weekend and picked a bunch of toys, but had a terribly difficult time trying to create a lesson framework for them. After a great chat with Dr. Decker, I now have a slightly different plan of attack, start creating the lesson framework first, and find objects to fill in the gaps. The good news is this happened in early November, so I still have plenty of time to get everything done.

That all being said, my topic hasn't evolved too much since it was first conceived. With each step I get a clearer vision of what the end product will look like, but it's more like it's slowly coming into focus, and less like it's a completely different topic altogether. I imagine that as the framework gets built, objects get chosen, and the lesson plan starts to shape up, it will only become clearer still.


  1. Its so nice that your topic has stayed the same, the finished product is going to be really interesting to see.
