Monday, November 11, 2019

How has my project changed so far?

I'm pleased to report that my choice of topic has continued to solidify since my first blog post in September. I'm still just as dedicated to AJ Sperr and Sperr Memorial Park now as I was then.

Some things, however, have changed, and some important realizations have been made. I've played a bit with my research question (the current draft uses the term "emotional recontextualization," so I'm quite excited about that), and I've narrowed the scope of my project to make things more feasible. I've also been benchmarking potential software to make my app/audio tour, and submitted an application to the COLA Student Research Fund. All in all, things have started moving on the project front!

On the research/writing front, things are...dawdling. Writing the literature review has taught me that I've picked up quite a few bad habits throughout the course of my undergrad career, and I'm learning to remedy that ASAP. I spent the past weekend analyzing my current writing and time management skills, and have developed some new strategies that I'm looking forward to applying in the weeks ahead. As some of you can probably also attest, there are growing pains involved in academic writing, but I'm ready to see where this takes me. If I come out of this a better writer, then I'll have at least partially succeeded.

As of right now, I see my project having a life beyond the thesis deadline. By that, I mean that there'll be long-term maintenance involved as this project continues to grow and evolve well after May 2020. There's stories still to be told and there'll always be memories left to uncover at Sperr Memorial Park. I can't see the big picture just yet, but I can already tell that this project is going to have a ripple effect.


  1. It seems like you, and honestly most of us, have been narrowing down our research and are getting comfortable with our topics! It sound so cool taking your topic outside just the realm of senior research and into the future! I wish you the best with your writing, hopefully our class discussions and review sessions have helped.

  2. Hi Landyn! It's exciting to see you comment on the process of writing - that is one of the interesting facets of working with a project for two semesters. You can develop a sustained preoccupation with a topic and, in turn, observe your own abilities as a writer while working with colleagues as they develop theirs as well. Looking forward to our next meeting and reading!
