Monday, December 2, 2019

Winter break

My plans for winter break are to conduct some visitor studies at the RMSC. I need to determine weather the new installation of VR technology on the Rochester diorama is successful in fulfilling its purpose.

I also need to interview the artist that made the artistic updates to the diorama. To see what intent he had in the changes he made to the diorama.

I also need a break, this semester was no joke! 


  1. Hi Carmen! do you know what the purpose of the VR is, exactly? And if not, could you locate that information? Looking forward to an update and learning what you discover. If you need help developing the visitor study, let me know before break starts (12/13 for me)!

  2. You deserve a break. We all do. T-T
    Talking to the artist sounds fun. Will you also get to test out the VR, if you haven't already? It sounds like the next steps will be engaging and interesting. Hopefully, everything progresses smoothly.

  3. Hey Carmen,

    Your winter break sounds exciting and well-deserved. I can't wait to see what comes out of your visitor studies!
