Monday, December 2, 2019

Winter Semester Break Plans

Hi everyone!

My winter break plans are to first relax! Taking 6 classes senior year can be extremely stressful!

In terms of thesis work, I want to work closely with my advisors to find more sources for oral history/shared authority and narrow down my target subjects for my interviews. I want to learn more about what equipment I can be using for the interviews and trying to develop my questions.

I want to mainly gather more sources and narrow my thesis question/subjects down. Maybe start writing my intro for the actual thesis paper but my sources are my main priority!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great plan, Leah. If you haven't already looked at some of the sources that are used in the "Letting Go!" book, be sure to do that. The bibliography is great.

    One thing to think about is defining your role in this project. You are the researcher, yes, but do you see your role in the oral history aspect as being an oral historian, a public historian, a curator doing research, a community member discussing with colleagues. . . I think defining how you see your role could be a way for you to carve out how you see your role and research developing.
