Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Thesis 2: Electric Boogaloo

Well, really getting back into the swing of things has been difficult to say the least.  The roadmap is generally clear, at the moment I need to continue my research on education theory and how roleplaying fits within that.  This week, however, the focus has been to get through the eight pages due.  I can't say they're great, they will most likely be completely different by next week even, but it's progress.

Motivation has been tough, however.  Dealing with an illness that may or may (most likely) not be coronavirus, has made progress slow.  Combined with the usual winter-blues, getting the motivation to start working has been the biggest hurdle.  Hopefully, however, as I'm feeling better, the motivation and creativity will flow.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck getting back into this, Neil. If you need advice on educational theory resources, check our MUSE 225 textbook (Museums in Motion) and/or let me know if I can help. Good luck, excited to see this progress!
