Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Welcome Back!

After a month of getting discouraged and stressing about my case studies, I think I'm finally ready to get back into it. I think last semester I was doing way too much and not giving myself any breaks so when break finally rolled around I just completely stopped and wasn't ready to start back up again when January 13th rolled around. That being said I think I've made a little bit of progress over the last month and I kind of know the direction I'm going into. As of our class meeting on Thursday, I wasn't completely solid on what my second case study would be but now that I've had my board meeting I have a direction and lots of emails to send!

As of today I'm planning to use the RMSC and the Strong Museum of Play as my two case studies. I chose these two after some suggestion from my committee. They are both AAM accredited and they market to the same audience. Choosing two Rochester area museums to compare seems like a very achievable project to me and isn't too out of the scope of what I'm capable of with our time limit. I'm excited to get into it because that means I get to visit my favorite museums in the area very often over the next few weeks!

Getting started on writing the 8 pages was pretty terrible. I know Dr. Lent said that the first effort would be bad but right now I feel like i'm just typing word vomit but it still feels good to finally start writing.

1 comment:

  1. Word vomit is better than nothing. XD Just keep typing till you can't type anymore and delete the nonsense parts afterwards; that's what I do.
    I totally relate to that weird period where you're struggling to get back into the headspace to do this work. I'm hoping to get it figured out this week.
