Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Cassidy Ohol- Progress and Updates!

     Slowly but surely I am piecing together ideas and using research/case studies to build my thesis. Starting with the introduction of the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), I will talk about how this act has affected Indigenous tribes along with museums. The act of repatriating items has allowed museums to uphold their values and allow proper handling of items. 

    This ties into human remains curation as a whole as NAGPRA led the way to a conversation of handling and repatriated remains from institutions and museum around the world. I will look into cases in the UK regarding storage of mummies and bog bodies along with the use of remains for artistic/educational exhibitions. 

    Taking a step into the world of archaeology, I will talk about the new and more frequent use of reburial practices to respect cultures and local villagers. All this ties together to respectful treatment of remains and taking measures to ensure proper handling of items. 

    I don't have too much left to say except good luck and keep going to my fellow classmates! It's a hard and draining process that will all be worth it at the end. 

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