Monday, October 14, 2024

Hello! Carolyn Lee


Hello! My name is Carolyn Lee and I am a fourth-year student in the Museum Studies major here at RIT with a minor in Literature and Media. I come from Phoenix, Arizona–my journey here was pretty much one extreme end of the weather to another, but maybe I will be able to survive any potential climate with this training, who knows!

I am currently working in the Story department for the Finger Lakes Virtual Museum Project partnering with MAGIC Spell Studios. During my time on the project, I have been learning, and am still trying to refine, the skill of researching a historical topic in depth and then trying to convey that information in a way that is educational, but still entertaining and precise. I believe this skill may aid me in my topic; a history that many are not particularly familiar with.

After wavering between two potential topic choices, I have decided to examine something I am personally interested in, the history of Lolita Fashion and its existence today. I will be enlisting the help of my fellow friends in the area who dress in Lolita, online EGL (Elegant and Gothic Lolita) communities, and my roommate Alyssa with her beautiful magazine she illustrated and wrote about the fashion. 

All of this will hopefully culminate to make an exhibition in University Gallery that conveys a meaningful experience about this fashion style originating in Japan that has caused some controversy with its name and style, invoking many misunderstandings. I aim to deconstruct and question these criticisms in my thesis. Thank you so much for reading; I'd love to hear your thoughts so far on the fashion and topic if you have any at :)

Below is a photo of me in my first ever coord! 



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