Sunday, October 13, 2024

Exhibit Progress and More

     These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of thesis work. While completing some background research to justify my thesis, I have also been working on the physical side of my project. I am preparing for my exhibit, which will be going up in the spring semester. Although my main purpose of the exhibit is to help justify why this archive is important to the collection I am creating, I am very excited to share my grandfather's work with the RIT community. 

    For the exhibit I have decided to split the narrative up into three sections; The Student, The Craftsman, and The Drifter. Each section represents a part of Jerrold's life and connection to the School of American Crafts at RIT. I am hoping to create a narrative that will connect the beginning and end of his career in the craft field and his story as an artist in Rochester, NY. Currently, I am in the process of finalizing the object selection for the exhibit and am hoping to represent all of the arts he participated in. His career was filled with creativity and innovation, and many have said that some of his work was ahead of its time, some pieces are relatively similar to the jewelry and sculptures we see today. 

    After I complete the object selection I plan on digitizing the objects I have selected. I really enjoy photography and am excited to practice my skills through this digitization. I also will begin preparing the text of the exhibit, along with its label copy and design. Once this is all complete I will be able to place my focus back onto my paper and get into the details about my thesis and its purpose. 

    Have a great fall break. I look forward to updating you on the progress of my thesis. If you have any questions you can contact me at

    - Gabriella Smith

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