Thursday, October 10, 2024

Hello, again (Von Stevens)

     Hey, just a small update on some progress of my capstone. I have an inventory list of the objects I plan to use for the exhibit and I've made sure to have something that represents each of the aspects of culture I plan to talk about. I'm probably a little behind my peers but I'm still moving along. I had to get some new sources since some of the ones I originally had weren't as relevant once I had decided on my subcategories. Also, I had ordered a book which wasn't available online and it still hasn't come. BUT luckily, my mom used her status as a Professor Emeritus at U of R to access their library and helped me find some more sources (thanks mom!). One of which is specifically about one of the objects that I have, the krama. The krama is a piece of garment in Cambodian culture that has so many utilities. It can be worn as a scarf, bandana, belt, lower garment, face cover and head wrap. Krama are also used to carry objects and even as hammocks for small babies. So I'm very excited to keep going with my research. I won't post any pictures of my objects as I'll leave that as a surprise. But I think things are going okay, much better than I had expected. 

Have a silly picture of Peachy from this morning!

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