Thursday, November 19, 2015

Evolution of Prospects of Mankind

    In the beginning, I was thinking about the development of digital collection for Prospects of Mankind, but I realized I didn't want to research on it because I felt like that it may limit me to research on a digital collection itself. I changed my focus from the development of the digital collection to the exhibition development process where I am very motivated to explore the exhibition elements and observe the appropriate interpretive media in order to understand its consequences and how those affect the visitor engagement. Of course, it gets difficult to narrow down on particular tools for the exhibition development. Therefore, I then chose Prospects of Mankind that I worked on transcribing the transcriptions as an intern last summer to use for the exhibition. Thanks to people who helped me get through this difficult task, I managed to find many sources regarding exhibition development process and Prospects of Mankind. Right now, I know I am in right path in process!

1 comment:

  1. The development plan for digital collection sounds like a great idea but its going to be lot of work. Why not focus on assessment of the PM digital collection? It would be little easier to do than focus on development.

    Wishing you best of luck.
