Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Thesis Post #5: Bitter Nectar

I was combining my lit review and thesis pages today, and I thought, "This is long." But then, I remembered that there were people last year who had over one hundred pages. :/ I suppose I should consider myself fortunate. Maybe people will be more likely to read it.

I hope people enjoy it. It's not the most innovative thesis, but at least, it's interesting to learn about how cultural institutions in another country work.

Stay safe, everyone. Here's a poem to cheer you up:

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca, I am looking forward to seeing what you've been able to draw out from your study; and don't underestimate your work or your contribution. Remember Mike Parker Pearson's (HIST 322) revelations about analogy - making comparisons or building a story may not seem like a revelation, but it's in your analysis where we learn so much. Good luck, you got this!
