Thursday, February 15, 2018

Round Two

Today I submitted the first draft of my thesis proper, and I am excited to see my paper beginning to take shape! Last semester it seemed like the final thesis deadline was impossibly far away, so it is crazy to think that the paper will basically be all written in a few weeks.

I was able to visit the Kodak Archives with my secondary advisor, Jody Sidlauskas, which allowed her to see the space and give me some ideas for framing my recommendations and collections plan. It also allowed me to get updated on the state of the archive since I last saw in June 2017. Kodak has continued to accept materials in the absence of the archive interns, so there is certainly a need for a plan of action. I now feel ready to move forward with my collections plan and complete the final part of my writing.

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled that you and Jody were able to visit together (no snow storm stopped you the second time!). Making such informed comparisons between an established archive, like RIT's, and an amorphous one is critical to this project, your paper, and the next steps. Great idea to do this site visit. I look forward to reading how it's materialized in the thesis!
