Tuesday, September 3, 2019

First Blog Post


My name is John Valentine, I'm a 4th year Museum Studies student. I transferred into the Museum Studies Program at the end of my 1st year, and have become very passionate about the field as the semesters have passed by. I'm mostly interested in Digitization efforts. mostly in how we can bring the great historical objects and information to the public in unique ways and how it can be used as both a preservation means but also a means of creative ways to educate.

I most recently had my Co-Op at the RIT Digitization Lab. I've had a job there since the beginning of my 2nd year. I mostly aided in some large scale and scope projects and scanned documents. The Co-op was an opportunity to expand my role and take on more of a macro scope for digitization efforts. I found that I loved taking on more of a managerial role and curation of digitization processes. I really enjoy teaching others how to do things, sitting in on meeting discussing with professionals best practices, and most of all digitizing. Bellow is a picture of a the digitizing set up most similar to the one that I worked with and got to know over the summer

Im really hoping that I can use this class as an opportunity to explore more of my interests as well as to explore how the rest of the field is dealing with certain issues and how technology can be used to help in these efforts. While I do not know where the future will take me, I now know that RIT has provided me with plenty of opportunities and helped me gain a better understanding of what I want to do as a career.


  1. Hi John! It's awesome to see you have an interest in digitization! I think it's extremely cool how museums have begun efforts to use technology and the internet to preserve and exhibit collections for a wider audience. I worked a little in digitizing the GCV&M collection, its tedious work, but it pays off in the end! I'm excited to learn with and from you in class!

  2. John, really nice to see how your interests have developed and have centered on digitization. I agree with Rachel about the tediousness as well as the payoff, including access! Looking forward to seeing how your ideas develop!
