Sunday, September 15, 2019

Post #2: A Thesis is Conceived

Hello everyone,

I will be doing a research-based thesis on a socio-political topic, as it relates to museums. I decided to focus on this area because it is important for us to deconstruct the power structures that pervade our cultural institutions.

As of right now, I am pursuing the topic of how the practices of Euro-American museums influence those of non-Western museums. Specifically, I want to explore if or how imperialism and colonialism transmitted ideas about artistic ideals, curation, exhibition design, and administration. I was inspired to do this topic by reading about the Louvre Abu Dhabi, which seems to be greatly influenced by French art museums. So far, I have found a few sources that focus on African museums, specifically Nigerian ones. I will try to narrow my scope to a case study of one museum, and if I cannot do that, to one country.

The first topic I considered was, "How are museums sometimes used to legitimize government"? If the first topic doesn't work out, I will switch back to this one. I would explore the tactics governments use to endorse themselves through museums, including themes about propaganda, curation by elites, and financial influence.


  1. Hi Rebecca, this sounds really cool! Is the Louvre Abu Dhabi at all affiliated with the one in Paris? Very slightly related, I know the Guggenheim opened a museum in Bilbao, Spain. This doesn't really fit under your scope of research, but perhaps it will give you an idea for your topic!

    1. Abu Dhabi paid the Louvre for the "brand" name, essentially, and they borrowed some of their works. Other than that, there isn't an affiliation between them. Abu Dhabi basically used the Louvre for clout.
      There's also a Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, on the same island as the other one. I guess I could also think about how Western museums extend their influence around the world by creating branch locations.

  2. Hi Rebecca! I love the idea! It seems like you found a good topic and I can't wait to see what research you'll uncover. I did read an article on the Louvre Abu Dhabi as well. Just an idea, but I also know that imperialism has heavily changed the items that are available to be displayed in non-western museums. This is especially true in Africa, just thought you'd like to know!

  3. This idea is super interesting, and just like Rachel, I cant wait to see what you discover!

  4. Rebecca, this is an incredibly interesting topic, as it relates to museums not being neutral, too. This topic is one that might be best served by secondary research and then, in turn, interviewing individuals working at those institutions. One specific connection I am thinking of is a colleague who is in the Department of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning, Obafemi Awolowo University. If you would like to reach out to him, let me know.

    To the other question you mentioned above about museums and their offsite influence, it might be worth looking at Gail Lord and Ngaire Blankenberg's Soft Power.

    Looking forward to seeing where you go with this! -- Dr. Decker
