Thursday, September 5, 2019

First Post!


My name is Mandy and I am a fourth-year museum studies student!

My earliest memories of interacting with a museum as a child took place in the little library in my hometown. It had a small collection of an assortment of materials and objects on display, but its star object was tucked into its own little room deep in the library -- Its own mummy. As a child, if I'm being honest, it terrified me because "wow that's just.... a dead person??? lying there??? and we're looking at them?" But now as an adult and with the education, I've had with museum spaces I'm able to look at it and ponder the life that the person lived and how this mummy ended up in this weird little small town and the implications of that.

That tangent aside -- I'm also interested in what ways Museums can move to be more environmentally sustainable, and basically anything else I can learn about the museum world overall. I'm very excited to see what my fellow peers will dive into for their theses and where I end up as well!

Also, I did an internship last year at GCV&M that was super great and taught me a lot about the item accession process and about handling collections

Here is a mount I made for an exhibition that they had been working on!

1 comment:

  1. Mandy, so great to read about your interests and how the GCV&M experience helped give you experience with collections! Looking forward to learning more about your interests and thoughts on methods/topics!
