Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Getting closer to user testing!

These past few weeks have been very productive for me, but not necessarily because I got a lot written for the body of my thesis.

Next Tuesday, I'll be conducting my first round of user testing! I'll be visiting Dr. Decker's visitor engagement class and people will be able to download and use the app so they can provide feedback on the content and functionality of mine and Peter's prototype. To get prepared, I've collaborated with Peter and Dr. Decker to develop a user testing survey and met with them to discuss how we are going to conduct the user testing. We are hoping for some good responses and feedback regarding the app, so wish us luck! Even if they hate it, at least we have feedback on what we should do to improve the user experience.

As far as additional updates, I've decided to narrow my focus for user testing with my contacts at Autism Up. Rather than getting as many families as possible to participate, I'm hoping to get 3-4 families to test the app. With a smaller focus group, it expands my opportunity for more in-depth feedback beyond the initial user testing survey. Since the success of my app is based on improving the quality of visitor experiences at a museum, I should be better able to assess that quality by conducting longer-term, more in-depth interviews.

I'm excited for my first round of user testing, and I can't wait to update you all on the progress!

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