Thursday, September 13, 2018

History Live!

The idea of creating a character for a living history museum was suggested to me by Tina in the early days of sophomore year, and I've been running with that ever since. Currently my idea is creating a costume and possibly a persona, or using historic methods to create an outfit and documenting the process. I've always been fascinated by living history museums, and my ultimate goal is to work at Colonial Williamsburg, which happens to be the largest open air history museum in the world. Thankfully I have a friend who is majoring in Historical Costuming!


  1. Not sure if you saw this or if they'll have anything from the time period you're looking for, but I saw this and thought of you. Hopefully it'll be interesting if not useful.

  2. Skye, it would be interesting to consider developing a portfolio around an entire character and site, perhaps using GCV&M as a location. For instance, how would you approach the development of a 1st person approach to a woman living George Eastman's Boyhood home, sited now at the village. Just as a dramaturg develops the research and presentation of a theatrical performance, you might consider developing a character—full on, from text to textile-and take on that role as a research-based project.
