Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Blog Post #3

Quick question: How is it Week 7 already

This going semester is going by so fast, and somedays it feels like I'm just treading water to get by. Despite the stress, however, I'm still trying to have fun! I keep reminding myself that, by this time next year, I might be missing these moments, so I've learned to cherish every brain dump and laugh shared with my advisors. I'm doing my best to be present for every spellcheck, cup of coffee desperately consumed, and Hozier song played on repeat (he's key to my writing process!). It's a melancholy feeling, but it's also excitingly haphazard.

As I like to joke, I go forth under a “carefully crafted facade of competence.” Things are moving, albeit slower than I thought they would be. After Spring Break, I'll be in a better position than I am now, though, and that's a fortifying thought.

Hope everyone's staying warm and taking care of themselves!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with this next phase, Landyn, of your writing process. Looking forward to reading and discussing!
