Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Next On the List

Hello All,

It's hard to believe that it is already week five, it's going by super fast! I've started actively working on the digital part of my project and hope to have it done by the end of the month. It's a little slow going. I've written quite a bit of the narrative, and I also have chosen most of my photographs but I am still having trouble with the layout and what I want it to look like - also the color choices are really limited and although this is a trivial thing it's a bit bothersome. I'm also continuing with my writing and trying to expand on what I already have, finding the correct layout of the paper is also proving difficult (I guess layouts in both digital and physical form are my nemesis for the week), but I have been switching paragraphs around and I think I am on the right path. I also want to go back in the next week or so and take another look at my lit review. There are some parts that I think I need to scrap and other areas that I can expand on.

1 comment:

  1. Aha! Yes, sometimes, you need to scrap things :) Good that you have this on your radar, Monica. I am excited to see what direction you're taking with layout. I'd be happy to look at your drafts/sketches of the digital site and/or have time in 360 for folks to give you quick feedback. Let me know if this would be useful!
