Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Reworking material

In the last chunk of time between posts, I have mainly focused my energy into figuring out, more clearly, the form of my digital literature piece I am creating to go along with my paper. It's been a strange dive into deep considerations on concepts of mortality and sense of place and the stories we leave behind when we pass on. It's been a little jumbled and I've had a mess of ideas on how to go about actually creating it but I was able to set down with my secondary advisor who helped me center my ideas and bring into focus angles and ideas I hadn't thought about and considered with weight. Overall I feel like I'm making good progress on this part of my project even if I do need to rework some of the materials that I've already produced.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, Mandy. Love to hear that there's progress. Sometimes I print out papers and literally cut and paste them with scissors to see what parts fit best where. Maybe that's help with your (perceived or real?) jumble thoughts :) Good luck! You can do it!
