Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Thesis Post #3: Oceans of Longing

Even though I've already passed the minimum page count for the thesis when I add together the body pages and the lit review, I feel like I haven't gotten anywhere. There are still subjects that I want to discuss that I have not gotten to yet in my paper. There are also subjects that I want to expand on. When I look at my content outline, I have only been writing for the case study section, which is at the end. My next writing goal is to zoom out to the national scale. I'm looking forward to talking about how Zimbabwean museums use technology.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca, maybe there's a bit of "scope creep" going on. (https://plan.io/blog/scope-creep/) We usually use the term in project management, but it's relevant here. Look at your outline and think about what you can let go off, and where you need to focus on completion. Remember, there's a section at the end of your thesis which can be called "Further Implications" or "Next Steps and Further Research" -- pointing others to where they can pick up from your project. You don't have to do it all : )
