Monday, February 10, 2020

Post #9: my program finally happened!

Last Friday, in the middle of what might have been the biggest snowstorm so far this year, Brie and I trekked down Jefferson Road to Solstice Senior Living. We found this really pretty one-lane bridge that went over the Canal - thematically appropriate! - and we also didn't get into a snow-induced car accident, which was great.

Once there, we set the room up in a giant mega-table with space enough for about 12 people, then made a frantic Wegman's run to get snacks for the audience. With one minute to spare we raced back into the place, chocolate chip cookies in hand, and I began!

It was a little intimidating, 12 white-haired strangers staring expectantly at me, but once I got into things I had done more than enough preparation to sit back and let my instincts kick in. The entire program took just over half an hour to get through, they weren't as chatty as I had planned, or perhaps I didn't let the awkward silence go long enough, and by the time I was done there 17 people there! While the program wrapped up around 4:30, the evaluations took a little longer to complete, and some people stuck around to talk after we had started resetting the room. All in all it was definitely a success, even if some of them liked the chocolate chip cookies more than they liked the program!

Here's some photos Brie took for me:


  1. You got it done; that's a huge accomplishment! I'm getting second-hand relief. XD

  2. I love the picture with you and your group at the center. They look engaged and interested -- and you look like you're in your element. (Truly, both pics are great, but that first one is a gem!) Congrats on getting this far along!
